



I have spent the last 10 years working on creative transformation projects across the Latin American countries, France, Scandinavia, Germany and the United States.

I have a multidisciplinary background ranging from the arts, engineering, business, sociology and psychoanalysis.

I previously worked for global research and design agencies where I helped clients overcome complex challenges through applied research, innovation and artistic practice.

Since 2015, I conduct independent research exhibitions. Since 2022, I freelance and also teach design futures, societal transformation, and creativity at the Technical University of Munich.


Innovation Research

The future is not a distant place far away but something that can be researched in the here and now, by chartering into truly unknown territory and seeing differently, by exploring unique phenomena, extreme contexts and emerging needs. I help you make sense of a world in flux.

Culture & Social Analysis, Fieldwork Reports
Applied Research Labs
Research Expeditions, Extreme Environments
Visual Ethnographies, Documentary-Style Photography & Video
Expert Interviews & Scientific Reviews
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Futures Design

While decision-makers mostly operate according to models, charts and numbers, it should be clear that most grand challenges humanity is facing today will require truly creative approaches and completely different ways of doing things. I help you move from Ideation to Imagination.

Experience Design, Conceptual Design
Experiential & Speculative Design, Innovation (Pre-) Development
Preto- and Prototypes, Design Fictions
Design Briefs
Critical Foresight Strategies
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Strategy & Communication

Humans are storytelling machines. Having an impact with a project means

Creative Strategy Formulation
Activism Narratives, Identity Work
Creative Direction & Production
Editorials, Photography, Films
Thought Leadership
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I regularly give keynotes on topics of sustainability and the future, coach people on creativity and conduct innovation workshops.
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